The Fire Analyst Competences and Skills webinar, organised by the CFRS, took place on the 17th September with the main objective of presenting the guidelines defining the fire analysis skills and competences necessary when facing current and future wildfires in…
After the ’88 fire season ended, I started to write the training program that is now the Campbell Prediction System (CPS). The CPS reveals how burn over situations could have been predicted by the line firefighter, and incorporates a new…
In the framework of the project AFAN (Advanced Fire Analysis Network), funded by European Union Civil Protection, the Pau Costa Foundation needs technical assistance to develop a report about the ‘State-of-the-Art of Atlantic and Northern European countries on the fire assessment skills and capacities’ (Task…
“The main objective of the project is to create a European wildfire expert knowledge-sharing network focused on fire risk analysis (or assessment) and risk reduction” Wildfires as a global problem Wildfires are a global problem impacting on societies and the…