• afan@paucostafoundation.org

Final Workshop and Event (Valabre, France)

European fire analysts and international experts together with the partners of the project met in France to exchange knowledge and experiencies regarding fire analysis.

The Civil Security School of Valabre (Gardanne) hosted a workshop and the final event of the AFAN programme from April 20th to 22nd.

The main aim of the workshop was to share the experiences, knowledge, skills, methods, tools, and ways of working, among the participants, as well as to create a networking space. We invested three days in Aix en Provence with more than 30 European experts, learning from one another on how different countries and fire analysts work during an emergency and other issues in relation to fire analysis.

To achieve this purpose, VALABRE and ENSOSP organized a workshop on the first two days and the final event on the last day. For the workshop they prepared various scenarios with different training exercises: free-flowing fire, established fire in France, in Sweden and a practical field exercise also in Gardanne (France).

In the field exercise we visited Tholonet (France), where fire analysts and other experts worked on a real wildfire scenario. Following this, we had a long briefing and general discussions which ended with a visit to CESIR and Fire Station in Caserne.

International experts exchange their vision on how to cope with this particular scenario during an emergency simulation

How the exercises took place

The teams were organised into five mixed teams. These experts went to different rooms with one or more observers together with the note takers. They were able to follow the propagation of scenarios on TV screens installed in each room. In order to analyse the fire behaviour the experts had in advance the fire behaviour parameters as well as thematic maps to analyse the work area (topography, vegetation, accessibility…)

Once each aspect was considered by the experts, each team presented its conclusions in the main room. In this roundtable, a representative of each team explained the tools and methods used, answered to the questions and showed their strategies and goals to the rest of teams.

Field trip in Tholonet (France)

Final Event

Regarding the final event that took place on April 22nd in the facilities of Civil Security School of Valabre (Gardanne). The AFAN consortium presented its main outcomes, such as the ‘Map of existing fire analysts’, ‘Static Infographic‘ or the ‘Data Base’. Furthermore, we had the opportunity to listen to different EU projects such as the FIRE-IN, which identified the CCC (Common Capabilities Challenges) for the different emergency hazards or FIRE-RES, a project that has just started and its main aim is to develop a holistic and integrated fire management strategy to address the extreme wildfire events in Europe in 11 Living Labs.  All speakers that participated in this hybrid event shared their presentations publicly here and also is possible to watch all the conference.