
Pau Costa Foundation (PCF)
Pau Costa Foundation advocates a profound change in the societal perception of fire in nature. It disseminates technical and scientific knowledge about fire impacts and crisis management. The Foundation works for and with the global fire community to gather recommendations on crisis management, lessons learned and experiences. It is all about helping develop efficient, effective and useful projects and services. Pau Costa Foundation is a contact point to facilitate the exchange between researchers, stakeholders and civil society. A global non-profit entity focused, since 2011, on wildfire prevention and crisis management with a vocation to disseminate knowledge and make projects real.
PCF works for the wildfire community, connecting first responders, landscape managers, society, research, the public and the private sector and policy makers.
PCF is the coordinator of the AFAN project, responsible for Tasks…

Catalan Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS)
The Catalan Fire and Rescue Service , comprising more than 5,000 members, performs prevention, urban and vegetation firefighting, search and rescue, emergencies commandment… attributed to the Government of Catalonia and coordinates its services throughout most of Catalonia. The Catalan Fire Service manages vegetation fires, suppressing fires, containing large fires, maintain a prescribed burn program since 2001, planning prevention and management of Large and Extreme Fires in massifs, communicating risk, prevention and emergencies.
CFRS started a Fire Analysis program back in 1999, with the creation of GRAF group, with a Functional Division of Fire Analysts/Operations on the Ground to anticipate opportunities, with a clear focus on knowledge in the ground as a key tool in fighting complex, fast-paced fires. In 2003 Fire Analyst on Dispatch and on the Command Post where added.
Since then, CFRS has been building on: (1) improving the ability of firefighters to face uncertain, complex, dynamic, extensive fires, by training, exercises, lessons learned, and doctrine and norms, by implementing innovative decision-making processes; by promoting new technologies; by maintaining a large database of large fire reports… and (2) preparing the landscape and the fire management system in front of a changing wildfire regime. CFRS is involved in those processes with multiple stakeholders, from research, to land managers, from communities to owners; from other practitioners to NGO, SMEs, infrastructure managers; through legal agreements, formal and informal networks, projects, exchanges of experts and assistance, publications, workshops…

D.R.E.AM. Italia
D.R.E.Am. ITALIA operates among many forestry and environmental related sectors, and one of the most relevant is training: it has been working in the wildfire operators training since 1990, training professionals and volunteer personnel ranging from basic level up to Incident Commanders and other different specific roles which also include use of fire, wildfire analysis and on the field coaching during fire seasons (ISO 9001:2008 standard). The training involved 16 different Italian regions over time and managing the Tuscany Region forest-firefighting training center (“La Pineta”, Monticiano – Siena). D.R.E.Am. ITALIA also works on wildfire prevention planning at landscape and WUI scale, operational cartography and prescribed burn works design.
For several years now D.R.E.Am. ITALIA staff has been having continuous and fruitful relations with many European training centres and wildfire related experts, exchanging experiences through meetings, training courses, participation in wildfire seasons, prescribed burns activities and EU projects. During the AFAN project D.R.E.Am. ITALIA will contribute to all WPs phases and promoting network relationships in order to improve fire analysis capacities in Europe. It will also be in charge of writing the remote assessment guidelines (D2.6). AFAN outputs and network knowledge will be integrated and disseminated in D.R.E.Am. ITALIA training activities and programs for wildfire and emergency operators.

French National Officers Academy (ENSOSP)
The ENSOSP is the French National Fire Officers Academy that trains its 25 000 officers composing of volunteers and professionals firefighters, along with its medical teams (nurses, physicians, pharmacists, and veterinarians). The Academy is in charge of initial (56%), lifelong (22%), and specialized trainings (12%). Other audiences include local authorities representatives, government officers, business executives, French and international experts, and international firefighters. The Academy aims to meet the employers’ requirements of qualified firefighters and those of Directorate of Civil Security of norms respect.
ENSOSP will contribute to all the tasks and coordinate the task 2.2 “Tools, science and best practices for fire analysis”, that of mapping knowledge and expertise in fire analysis (tools, scientific knowledge and good practices) and then building a database.

Entente of Valabre (ENTENTE)
The Entente of Valabre is a public establishment bringing together various areas of expertise: training, research, new technologies, education and awareness of natural hazards, particularly forest fires. The training centre is the technical school of the French Civil defense. It is the national school for command training in all civil security specialities. Its mission is, among others, to train all civil security executives in command on all civil security specialties (forest fires, water rescue, diving, mountain and accident rescue, rescue clearing, technological risks, …). In the field of forest fire, fire brigade officers are trained with the help of simulation tools.
Within the framework of the AFAN program, the Agreement brings its training skills, operational experience and its network of experts to the program. As such, it is in charge of drafting a guideline on the subject of forest fire analysis and organizing a workshop on the same subject.

South Wales Fire and Rescue Service (SWFRS)
Since April 1996, South Wales Fire and Rescue Authority has been responsible for providing the Fire and Rescue Service for the geographical area of South Wales. The Fire and Rescue Authority consists of 24 members representing the 10 Unitary Authorities we serve.
There are 47 fire stations across the service serving, approximately, 1.5 million people. SWFRS are at the forefront of managing wildfires in the UK with the development of the wildfire toolbox which is a year round solution to a seasonal problem prioritising education , prevention and response