• afan@paucostafoundation.org
 Workshop in the Tuscany Region

Workshop in the Tuscany Region

Date: 26 th and 27 th of January, 2022

D.R.E.Am. ITALIA organised the second AFAN workshop in the Tuscany Region Forest Fires Training Centre “La Pineta” (Monticiano – Siena). This event was designed as a specific working session of the AFAN project with the aim to provide debates and share opinions in relation to remote assessment during wildfires emergencies. Furthremore, we discussed about the use of tools and best practices in fire analysis.

The attendees came from 12 different organisations, mainly were first responders and training centres. The workshop started with the testimony of external experts, explaining real cases of remote assessment in which they have been involved. These external experts have also shared how they worked on this kind of remote support within their organisations.

World Café Method

Then, the activities were planned in four different sections, where three different tables of experts, using a similar World Café method, have discussed simultaneously on seven different topics about remote assessment during wildfires emergencies:

  • Remote assessment definition
  • Products/outputs
  • Minimum information to ask and to receive remotely from the field
  • Tools
  • Channels
  • Communication flows
  • Responsibilities

Fruitful debates have raised from each table during each session. Also feedbacks from invited external experts have been collected and it will be used for developing the expected outcomes of the AFAN project, as the “Guidelines for remote assessment teams” and the “Guidelines on the use of tools, science and best practices for fire analysis”.

We would like to really thank all the participants, who demonstrated a deep engagement during those days, and especially Tuscany Region Forest Fires Organization for allow us to carry out the workshop at “La Pineta”

Download here the Workshop Agenda

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