Relevant fire analysis resources

This section compiles resources of interest for fire analysis. AFAN has been selecting a number of relevant documents from different languages and translating them to English. This is an initiative to make regional knowledge accessible to a wider audience.

Fire Reports

Example of analysis of the main variables that affect the behaviour of the fire (meteorological conditions, topography, vegetation structure…), the use of simulation software, as well as the explanation of the objectives and the extinguishing manoeuvrescarried outduring the wildfire.

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The conditions of the area before and during the fire, the behaviour of the fire, both observed and through simulation tools, are analysed, and the work carried out and the action proposals of the intervention teams are described. 

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It describes the evolution of a large forest fire, as well as the different factors that influenced the behaviour of the fire and determined its rate of spread. This fire burned for 46 days and generated significant convective plumes and ground fires. 

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The behaviour and evolution of the fire in a large forest fire with changing conditions is described, as well as the strategies and tactics established, and manoeuvres carried out in the different operational periods. 

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The events that happened in this fire, in some way represented a before and after in the world of the suppression of forest fires and highlighted the need for a different approach to the reality of forest fires to face the new challenges that we are already facing. The report provides an in-depth analysis of the main aspects that affected the forest fire behaviour, as well as the accident that occurred. 

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The behavior of the fire in different scenarios is described, including the formation of the largest pyrocumulonimbus that has occurred in Catalonia to date. The spread of the fire before and after the collapse of the convective plume is also shown. 

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Through a case study in the Mediterranean basin (in Sardinia, Italy), it describes the methodology of the Haines Index, which measures the potential of the atmosphere to contribute to the development of large forest fires. 

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This study case describes a methodology to identify in advance the opportunities that fire suppression may have in the face of large forest fires (LFFs) in a specific massif, locating the critical points where it is necessary to create or maintain infrastructuresthat limit the impact of LFFs, and describes how it has been integrated into landmanagement.

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This paper deals with the predictive capacity of the Haines Index (HI), or Lower Atmosphere Severity Index,  in relation to the development of large forest fires in Sardinia, Italy. Its predictive capacity in the Mediterranean environment was investigated by evaluating the relationship between the HI value and the occurrence of fires with a burnt area of more than 100 ha in Sardinia.

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