Methodology and information gathering on fire analysis capacities across Europe

AFAN’s first workshop took place online on the 20th of April 2021. The workshop had the objective to collect feedback from a group of fire experts about the methodology proposed to help collect information and harmonise the existing fire analysis capacities across Europe.
A group of 37 participants from Spain, France, Italy, UK, The Netherlands, Germany and Portugal, and organisations leading fire analysis in Europe participated in the workshop. Juan Caamaño, PCF moderated the two-hours session.
Since the start of the project in January 2021 the AFAN project partners have been working on two tasks:
- Development of guidelines for harmonising fire analysis capacities. Marta Miralles, CFRS proposed a description of fire analysis that would be used as a baseline for harmonisation. Currently, the task leader CFRS are collecting information to develop the guidelines. Edgar Nebot, CFRS presented the basis for the guidelines and a feedback session took place during the workshop. The process of collecting information from fire analysis across Europe will continue in order to have the existing expertise compiled in the guidelines, the final document will be available during the fall of 2021.
- Development of an online mapping tool giving visibility to the existing fire analysis capacities across Europe. This task is lead by ENSOSP and will lead to a map of ‘who is who’ in fire analysis, that Paul Gillet presented during the project. With the support of the workshop participants, ENSOSP were able to identify key features and capacities that the map should The map will be available in the next months in open-access and open for anyone to include new additions.
These two tasks will lead to two main outcomes of the AFAN project. In total 8 outcomes will be delivered at the end of the project in July 2022. The outcomes are designed to help harmonising fire analysis knowledges and understandings. The ultimate goal of this process will support the whole fire management, anticipating, planning and improving the response capacity during wildfire incidents.
For those that did not attend the workshop and want to get involved or follow the development of AFAN, contact here
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