AFAN Wokshop in Barcelona
The first face-to-face AFAN workshop, organised by the Catalan Fire and Resue Service, took place on the 27th September 2021 in Barcelona. This hybrid event was designed as a specific working session of the AFAN project and not as a dissemination session.
The 46 attendees (31 in-person and 15 online), coming from 17 different organisations, actively participated in the discussions structured in three slots:
- Table 1. Tactical Architecture: This table gathered experts that explained different models of implementing tactical architecture in their organisations.
- DG ECHO – UCPM presentations to present the The UCPM Training Programme and the European Civil Protection Pool
- Table 2. Training skills and competences, focus on visualizing the courses offered by the schools, who these courses are aimed at, what competences they address, their duration and the post-training maintenance (15 min each presentation). The aim was to see how each organisation adapts the analysis needs to specific courses and specific competences and which of them are accredited.
The organisation of this workshop was a key step in the project to develop the expected outcomes, as the Guidelines of fire analyst competencies and skills, that will be distributed in few weeks.
We would like to thank the support of Bombers de Barcelona, who shared their premises in the middle of the city to carry out the workshop.
Download here the workshop’s agenda