Fire Analyst Competences and Skills | 17th September 2021, 10-12:30 CEST

Date: 17th of September of 2021
Location: On-line (ZOOM)
Duration: 10-12:30h CET
Organizer: Catalan Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS)
Access: AFAN network
Content: AFAN guide about fire analysts’ capacities (D2.2) and examples of existing cases.
Moderator & speakers introduction: Celia Conde, Pau Costa Foundation
10:00 – 10:10h Presentation of AFAN project and its objectives. Pau Costa Foundation (PCF).
10:10 – 10:20h Fire analysts’ capacities guide (D2.2) content. Laia Estivill, PCF.
10:20 – 10:30h Feedback received from the FA communities. Laia Estivill, PCF.
10:30 – 12:00h Examples of existing cases (15 min each presentation):
- 10:30 – 10:45h Mr. Miguel Angel Botella.Fire Behaviour Analyst. General Directorate of Fire Prevention. Regional Government of the Valencian Community (Spain).
- 10:45 –11:00h PhD Francisco Senra. Wildfire Analyst Unit Supervisor, Andalucía Region Forest Fire Service. AMAYA Public Agency, Andalucia Government.
- 11:00 – 11:15h Mr. Fabio Silva. National Operations Assistant. Special Civil Protection Force
- 11:15 – 12:00h Mr. Jorge Saavedra. Corporación Nacional Forestal de Chile, CONAF
12:00 – 12:30h Q&A
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“We need to improve the capacities and competencies in organizations, and build robustness to avoid